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The Deity’s Masquerade: On the performativity of identity in the works of Lord Byron

By Hannibal de Pencier In his works, Lord Byron largely anticipates the twentieth-century notion of performativity as expounded by feminist theorist Judith Butler. Byron’s habitual…

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Sansûkh and the Importance of Fan Engagement: A Close Analysis of Fandom as an Interpretive Community

By Catherine Hall Reading, writing, and discussing fanfiction is an integral part of online fandoms. There are 5,381,000 works available (as of November 2019) on Archive…

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Where is Dolores Haze? Interpretive Communities, Aestheticizing Violence, and Lolita in Contemporary Popular Culture

By Christina Marcucci Over fifty years after its publication, Nabokov’s Lolita (1955) has integrated into mainstream American popular culture, with pop singers such as Katy…

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The Ever-Resilient Vipers: Exploitation and Empowerment in Quentin Tarantino’s “Kill Bill Vol. I”

By: Emily Ferguson In Resilience & Melancholy: Pop Music, Feminism, Neoliberalism, Robin James names and defines the phenomenon by which hegemonic structures and their members…

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“Glorious Works”: An Analysis of Creative Narcissism within John Milton’s Paradise Lost

By: Rebecca Dillon Havelock Ellis’s observation that “all creation is essentially an exercise of Narcissism” becomes especially intriguing when considering the representation of creation in…

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Into the Dark: The Freeing Power of Darkness in Charlotte Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

By: Meghan Farbridge Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” is a tale of “female confinement and escape,” which depicts the narrator’s experience of a “nervous…

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